Sunday 29 March 2020

Learning at home, day 6

Monday 30th March

Good morning Oak and Beech class! We have loved seeing some of your work in Edmodo this weekend! You have been working hard! 

I tried a Joe Wicks workout on Friday, then my legs really hurt on Saturday, despite running most days! It’s good to use other muscles, isn’t it?! Keep doing this if you can, every day! 

Today we would like you to pick three activities from your pack that you haven’t done. You could have a go at one of the maths activities, then either a reading comprehension activity, or writing. Your writing could be either one of the pictures in your books, or maybe a diary entry about your weekend, or your thoughts about what is happening in the world. If you start it today, you can carry it on tomorrow. Ask someone in your family to help you check spellings, then practise any errors three times, like you do in class. 

An alternative writing activity would be to write a letter to someone in your family or community who you think might need cheering up. Everyone likes a letter or home made card - I know I do! If you do this, take a picture of it before you send it / post it through someone’s door. You could share it in Edmodo.

You can have a brain break at any time, with Jumpstart Jonny, or something you have found yourself, like the Lego challenge that Cam is doing. Don’t forget you can also do some sketching, Sumdog, Daily 10 or Times Tables Rockstars for a brain break if you prefer. 

In the afternoon, take a look at the map from where the Vikings came from. Can you create your own using the blank sheet, labelling the countries? Have a look at some of the countries using a map, google earth or google maps if you can.

If the weather is nice, go outside and do some of the outdoor activities on the school website, if you prefer doing those to the map work. Worksheet activities can always be kept for rainy days! 

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