Wednesday 25 March 2020

Learning at home, Day 3

Good morning oak and Beech classes!

It's another beautiful day! I will post a little video message later - and maybe one from BeauBeans! All of the online resources mentioned below have links to them. There are alternatives for those who cannot get online.

It doesn't matter which order you do the following activities in, but try to start today with a bit of exercise. If you miss Joe Wicks, pick your favourite Jumpstart Jonny to do. Then have a go at one of your favourite BBC super movers x tables and get moving and shaking!! Alternatively, make yourself a gym in your garden and do some circuit training! Write on different pieces of paper; star jumps, left foot hops, right foot hops, bunny hops, spotty dog and side jumps. You might think of more! Do each one 12 times, saying a times tables whilst doing it. How many times can you do the circuit? 

Today's main activity is to write a story about your dragon pet. Imagine you live in a castle. What is it like? How do you get to the rooftop every day? What can you see from the roof? What does your dragon do? Where does he sleep? Do you fly on him? Where do you go? Draw some pictures if you like, or write down some words on the blank pages of your books, to help you. Get your families to help you spell key words if you need to (those tricky ones like any, could, which, when etc). Have a go at other spellings using your phonics. The speed sound chart is below. Your story can be a short story, or a chapter story. It's up to you! 

Image result for pobble dragon

Have a brain break every so often. You can draw more pictures for your story. Why not sit outside to do some? You could also complete some maths activities on Sumdog, or play against some of your classmates on Times Tables Rockstars. Your login details are in your folder. 

For some relaxation exercise today, take a look at sun salutations yoga and learn to do some poses with the animals. 

Image result for speed sound chart rwi

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