Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Learning at home, day 8

Wednesday April 1st 

So today is officially the last day of school, but we will be posting some ideas for little challenges over the holidays, if you want them. You can choose!

Don't forget to take exercise breaks during the day, with Joe, Jumpstart Jonny, GoNoodle, Oti or your family!


Practise your x2, 5 and 10 rapidly, to help with money. 

Plan a healthy meal for 4 or 5 people (starter, main and dessert) using the food below. You can add some more things if you like, such as cheese or chicken. Ask someone to help you decide on a price for them. 
Work out how much money you would need for your meals. Can you work out the price altogether, then the price per person? You might need to do lots of little calculations to do this. You might need a brain break in the middle! If you can't keep this screen on, make up your own food items and prices. 


Continue to practise your spellings from yesterday. There is another  reading comprehension activity in your pack that you could do today. If you have done that, spend some time with your book, reading to someone in your family, a pet, or maybe record yourself reading! 

Listen to David Walliams story time. I am sorry that I haven't recorded any more stories for you. I had found some lovely ones to share, but I have not had permission from the authors yet. However, the lovely Kes Gray has sent me another email and has made a youtube video channel for you all to enjoy! Look out for something topical tomorrow! 

During the afternoon, you could pick one of these activities, depending on the weather.

Look at one of the learning outdoors activities on the school website.
Go on a nature walk and record all the signs of spring that you can see. Sketch something you saw. Can you find any wild flowers? Can you find the names of them?

If the weather isn't very good, watch this terrific science live lesson to finish off our learning about teeth, eating and digestion. You could have a look at some of the activities later in the week if you like. 

Come back tomorrow to see some holiday ideas!

Monday, 30 March 2020

Learning at home, day 7

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Mums and dads, it would be really good if you could empty some piggy banks or pockets this week, to help with some money activities. If you don't have any cash around, maybe your child could make some coins out of paper. These activities may need your support, if they are unsure of the value of coins. Multiplying quickly by 2, 5 and 10 helps when adding coins, as they realise that 5 10p coins is 50p, without having to add them separately. 

Start the day with exercise, or a quick thinking activity.

Have you been enjoying Joe Wicks at 9am? Don't forget you can do JumpStart Jonny too if you like, or GoNoodle. 

Thinking activity. The answer is elephant. What could the question be? Can you think of 10 different questions to go with this answer?


Can you solve this problem? 


   Ben has five coins in his pocket. How much money might he have? 
How many different combinations can you find? How can you be systematic about it? Think about it and plan it before you start.

If you enjoyed that, try this extension. Do you think there will be more options, the same amount or less? Why?

Buying a Balloon

Age 7 to 11 
Image of a clown
Lolla bought a balloon at the circus. She gave the clown six coins to pay for it.
What could Lolla have paid for the balloon?
Which of your answers seems a reasonable amount to pay for a balloon?

If you have access to a tablet or PC, you could have a go at the coin cruncher game to warm your brains up, by clicking here

Coin cruncher | Students | MoneySense

                                                       Then have a go at this activity

Don't forget you can play Sumdog or times tables rock stars too.

Story time.

Spend time reading a book today. Make a word bubble in your exercise book to save all the exciting words you come across. One of my favourite authors, Oliver Jeffers, is reading some of his stories, which you can access here.

 Reading and spelling check.
Can you read all of these words? Which ones do you find tricky? Write them down so that you can practise them. Then look again and see which ones you need to practise spelling. You could use the look, say, cover, spell, check method to learn them. This is an activity you can return to.

If you have completed all of the activities above, you may not have time for any more! If you have got time, read on!

For your final, afternoon activity, choose either a Viking activity from your pack, an insect to sketch, or a learning outdoors activity from the school website. 

Have a PE / relaxation break, with either Jumpstart Jonny or Go Noodle. I know lots of you like to dance to Ducktails! Show your family!

You may have other activities that you are doing at home with your families - that's absolutely fine!  Have a great day! We are enjoying seeing the work you are sharing in Edmodo. 

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Learning at home, day 6

Monday 30th March

Good morning Oak and Beech class! We have loved seeing some of your work in Edmodo this weekend! You have been working hard! 

I tried a Joe Wicks workout on Friday, then my legs really hurt on Saturday, despite running most days! It’s good to use other muscles, isn’t it?! Keep doing this if you can, every day! 

Today we would like you to pick three activities from your pack that you haven’t done. You could have a go at one of the maths activities, then either a reading comprehension activity, or writing. Your writing could be either one of the pictures in your books, or maybe a diary entry about your weekend, or your thoughts about what is happening in the world. If you start it today, you can carry it on tomorrow. Ask someone in your family to help you check spellings, then practise any errors three times, like you do in class. 

An alternative writing activity would be to write a letter to someone in your family or community who you think might need cheering up. Everyone likes a letter or home made card - I know I do! If you do this, take a picture of it before you send it / post it through someone’s door. You could share it in Edmodo.

You can have a brain break at any time, with Jumpstart Jonny, or something you have found yourself, like the Lego challenge that Cam is doing. Don’t forget you can also do some sketching, Sumdog, Daily 10 or Times Tables Rockstars for a brain break if you prefer. 

In the afternoon, take a look at the map from where the Vikings came from. Can you create your own using the blank sheet, labelling the countries? Have a look at some of the countries using a map, google earth or google maps if you can.

If the weather is nice, go outside and do some of the outdoor activities on the school website, if you prefer doing those to the map work. Worksheet activities can always be kept for rainy days! 

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Learning at home, day 5

We are very aware that some families are trying to juggle the work of children in different classes. These activities are guidelines and we totally understand that you will do what you can. The suggestions are based on what we would typically fit into a school day - though sometimes we veer away from our plans, because the children have ideas that are worth exploring. Please do not feel obliged to do more than you feel is enough for your child. 

Friday 27th March

Hello again to all our lovely children! We have really missed you this week, but hope that you are enjoying your learning at home. We are working hard on a solution to sharing work - so your parents can look out for an email soon. 

It looks like it will be another sunny day today, so make the most of the glorious weather. Maybe save the indoor activities for when the sun goes in. Some of you might like to keep a weather diary, to look back on. Or maybe you could add a symbol at the top of the pages in your exercise books, to show what the weather was like that day?

PE with Joe on YouTube start time: What time are Joe Wicks' PE ...

Don't forget PE with Joe Wicks at 9, to get you moving.

Start the day by looking at some shadows in your garden. Try to mark one out and think about how it will change during the day, then go back to it a few times later in the day and see what has happened to it. Did it do what you thought it would do?


Warm your brain up with x tables practice. Choose one that you know you need to do. You can write it, chant it, play on Sumdog or times tables rockstars - anything that helps you learn them! You can also do this again later in the day, if you like.

Sage and scribe: Explain to your family how to multiply by using the grid method. You could do this outside.  Start with 2-digit numbers x 1-digit e.g. 24 x 3. Choose some of your own. Then have a go at 3-digit numbers x 1 digit. Watch the video if you need a reminder.

Write your own calculations to complete. Make sure they are not too easy and not too hard. Think about multiplication vocabulary, like product (the answer).


Don't forget you can listen to David Walliams stories

Write a diary entry about your week so far. This is a major, historical event, that you will want to remember and tell your future family about! If you prefer, you could leave this activity for the weekend, when the weather doesn't look as good.

Afternoon activities

Learn a new song! Try Matt Lucas' Corona virus advice, baked potato song! Be warned, it might send your family bonkers!! 

Go out and about, in your garden or on a walk. Have a good look at anything that is growing. What do you notice? Can you identify any trees or plants that you see? What about birds or minibeasts? Maybe someone in your family has a smart phone and can download the tree identification app from the Woodland Trust. If not, can you sketch the shape of leaves and try to find out more about them, (remembering some of the things you learned in class). Do you know any of the birds? Could you sketch a bird? (You might need a picture to help as they don't sit still long!)

Over the weekend you could take a look at some of the learning outside activities on the school website if you like.

If you still have time on your hands, spend it by doing some exercise or some sketching. Choose what you like, or pick something else from the learning at home grid in your packs. You could also save some of these activities for the weekend, if you are busy doing other things with your family.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Learning at home, day 4

26th March 2020

Good morning to you all! I wonder how your stories turned out. Have you read them out loud to anyone? We already know what amazing authors you all are, so I imagine they are fantastic. Maybe someone in your family can add a comment on this blog post about it?

Don't forget to do some exercise with Joe Wicks or Jumpstart Jonny when you need a brain break. Also, spend some time outside whilst the weather is good. You could save the history activities until after tea if you like, when it is dark outside.

Image result for jumpstart jonny

Your learning at home today is as follows. 


Warm your brains up.
Draw some number lines in your exercise book. If you have a ruler, try to mark off 1cm intervals along the line. You can then make little marks to count along in 25s. What patterns do you notice? On the next number line, count in 1/4s. When you get to whole numbers, can you write them in 2 different ways? 

Main activity.
Tell your family how many seconds in a minute and how many minutes in an hour. See if you can count to 60, taking a minute to do it. How close can you get? You could make this into a competition with your families, by seeing who can get the closest.
Think of  5-10 different activities that you could time e.g. jumping 20 times, saying the alphabet backwards, reciting your times tables, running around the garden 10 times, making toast etc. Write the activities in your book and estimate how long it will take you to do each one. Rank them in order from least amount of time, to the most. Ask someone in your family if they can time you, either by counting or on their watch / smart phone (think about which would be the most accurate). Once you have timed them, put them in order. Did you estimate the order correctly? Think about why you were successful, or why you misjudged some (that's the metacognitive bit! Thinking about / evaluating what you learned!)

If you want another maths activity, select a time activity from your pack, or have a go at this game with someone in your family.


Read through your story with fresh eyes and make improvements. 

Complete one of the Viking comprehension activities. Read it out loud to someone in your family, or ask them to read it to you if needed.


Find out more about Viking Longships by watching the clips from the BBC and on the DK website

Image result for viking longboats ks2 
You could then draw or write about what you have learned, in your exercise books. 

Learning at home, Day 3

Good morning oak and Beech classes!

It's another beautiful day! I will post a little video message later - and maybe one from BeauBeans! All of the online resources mentioned below have links to them. There are alternatives for those who cannot get online.

It doesn't matter which order you do the following activities in, but try to start today with a bit of exercise. If you miss Joe Wicks, pick your favourite Jumpstart Jonny to do. Then have a go at one of your favourite BBC super movers x tables and get moving and shaking!! Alternatively, make yourself a gym in your garden and do some circuit training! Write on different pieces of paper; star jumps, left foot hops, right foot hops, bunny hops, spotty dog and side jumps. You might think of more! Do each one 12 times, saying a times tables whilst doing it. How many times can you do the circuit? 

Today's main activity is to write a story about your dragon pet. Imagine you live in a castle. What is it like? How do you get to the rooftop every day? What can you see from the roof? What does your dragon do? Where does he sleep? Do you fly on him? Where do you go? Draw some pictures if you like, or write down some words on the blank pages of your books, to help you. Get your families to help you spell key words if you need to (those tricky ones like any, could, which, when etc). Have a go at other spellings using your phonics. The speed sound chart is below. Your story can be a short story, or a chapter story. It's up to you! 

Image result for pobble dragon

Have a brain break every so often. You can draw more pictures for your story. Why not sit outside to do some? You could also complete some maths activities on Sumdog, or play against some of your classmates on Times Tables Rockstars. Your login details are in your folder. 

For some relaxation exercise today, take a look at sun salutations yoga and learn to do some poses with the animals. 

Image result for speed sound chart rwi

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Giraffes Can't Dance

Enjoy the story today! I will also post the chapter story soon, which is aimed at 8-12 year olds. Please feel free to comment or ask questions about learning at home. They will appear after they have been moderated, then Mrs Pilmer and I will answer any questions that you have. Enjoy the story! 

Story Time

Image result for david walliams illustrations

David Walliams is releasing a FREE audio story every day for the next 30 days. So grab your duvet or a blanket, snuggle up and enjoy! (Not just for elevenses) ðŸ˜Š