Sunday, 3 May 2020

Monday maths challenges!

Activity 1

Work out the answer from the clues below.

 Investigation 2

Use some dice, or the dice online here . Roll 3 dice and multiply the numbers together. Now swap the numbers around. Do you always get the same answer? Test it out at least 5 times to prove it! Were some calculations trickier than others? If so, why? Were some easier? Why? (That will help your metacognitive thinking, which will help your learning!)

After that, have a go at rolling the dice 3 times again, then multiplying your answer by 10. Remember your place value and how x10 relates to it.

If you find it tricky, use this resource to help (if you can't get flash to work, click on the padlock in the address bar, which should give you the option to enable flash).

Investigation 3 (optional!) 

Write the numbers from 3  - 12 on scraps of paper and turn them upside down. Pick 3 and multiply them together. Can you do them all mentally, or do you need to do it another way, like repeated addition or drawing a multiplication grid? Which ones were easy / hard? Why?

Remember that you are allowed to jot things down on paper, even when working mentally! Writing things down helps you learn to do them in your head.

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