Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Thursday 23rd April

Good morning lovelies! Hope you are all ready and raring to go! Don't forget to warm your maths brains up with some counting activities (maybe whilst exercising?) or times tables, or Sumdog.

Pick the chilli challenge that's right for you, from the link below. The answers are there, ready for when you have finished them, so you can check your own, If you get one wrong, go back and try to find out why. Remember, that's the best kind of learning!

Click on the link for your chosen chilli challenge.

You need to practise subtracting with chilli 3 too!

Extension activity

Click on the picture to enlarge it if needed

Here's that metacognitive bit! Evaluate how you did. What made it easy / hard. What strategies did you use? Were they successful? What helped? You don't have to write these answers, you could think them or talk to your family. This is an important part of you knowing yourself as a learner and becoming an even better mathmatician!

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